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Wat Dhamma Bodhivong

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Basic information
1010 W. Duncannon Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19141
Sectarian affiliation(s):
  • Theravada
Cultural, linguistic, ethnic representation:
  • Cambodian
Geographic origins of institution, founder, or network:
  • Cambodia
Best time to visit:

Open 7am to 5pm daily.

Date last visited: November 23, 2018
Currently active?: As of the last time it was visited by our research team, this location was open.
Other Basic Information:

This is an independent temple, founded in 2011. There are currently four monks in residence.

Local setting, neighborhood, demographics

Mainly first-generation Cambodian families.

Connections with medicine, healing, wellness

Interviewee reported that illness originates in the mind, and advocated meditation and strict observance of moral precepts in order to eliminate the "three poisons" (i.e., greed, hatred, and ignorance). This will keep the body healthy, since both the body and its actions are guided by the mind.
