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Kwan Chao True Buddhist Temple 觀照雷藏寺

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  2. » Kwan Chao True Buddhist Temple 觀照雷藏寺
Basic information
1612 Frontage Rd, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034, USA
Sectarian affiliation(s):
  • Vajrayana, Tantric, or Esoteric
Cultural, linguistic, ethnic representation:
  • Taiwanese
Geographic origins of institution, founder, or network:
  • Taiwan
Best time to visit:

Sat. 1:30 (English), Sun 11 am (Chinese).

Date last visited: April 19, 2017
Currently active?: As of the last time it was visited by our research team, this location was open.
Other Basic Information:

Established 1992, affiliated with True Buddha Temple in Seattle (www.tbsseattle.org).

Connections with medicine, healing, wellness

No information is available at present.
