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Springboard Studio

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Basic information
530 Carpenter Ln, Philadelphia, PA 19119, USA
Sectarian affiliation(s):
  • Secular, Non-sectarian
Cultural, linguistic, ethnic representation:
  • Caucasian
  • African American
Geographic origins of institution, founder, or network:
  • USA
Best time to visit:

See website.

Date last visited: March 13, 2016
Currently active?: As of the last time it was visited by our research team, this location was open.
Local setting, neighborhood, demographics

Our interview took place during a meeting of the  People of Color Meditation Group. The meditation group attracts people of all age ranges, mostly younger adults. The majority of the attendees at the time of visit were women, and predominantly African American. We were told that sessions usually have about seven to eleven people in attendance.

Connections with medicine, healing, wellness

Sessions consists of meditation, qigong or yoga, and discussion.

The interviewees reported that the practice of yoga helps the body prepare for meditation. By improving the body’s flexibility, practitioners can remain more comfortable during meditation. Through integrating mindfulness into the yoga practice, one can cultivate a deeper awareness of the body, thus making the practitioner feel more relaxed and potentially overcome stress-related ailments.

The center also offers qigong practice, and the Dharma talk we heard when we visited placed emphasis on qi energy within the body. Interviewees reported that qigong also helps practitioners go deeper into meditation. When the flow of qi in the body is blocked, the obstruction manifests as the symptoms of a disease. Through the practice of qigong, the practitioner clears the blockages and allows the energy of qi to flow again in its natural rhythm, thus promoting health.

Springboard Studio also offers cancer support meditation sessions, which we did not observe.