Open Sat. and Sun. 9am–2pm and holidays. Chinese Mahayana temple with some Vajrayana features, est. 1992. The temple has both Chinese and Tibetan Buddhist paraphernalia. We are told by the interviewee that a Tibetan teacher comes to teach here on a semi-regular basis. The temple provides an open space for the public to chant and pray. Interviewees emphasized chanting and praying to improve one’s wellbeing, and to benefit family members. They also believe volunteering provides a sense of peacefulness and fulfillment. Located in Chinatown. Attendees are mostly elderly immigrants of Chinese descent. Interviewees emphasized chanting and praying to improve one’s wellbeing, and to benefit family members.Pumen Si 普門寺
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1023 Race St, Philadelphia, PA, USA
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April 16, 2018
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