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Fo Shou Si 佛壽寺

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  2. » Fo Shou Si 佛壽寺
Basic information
1015 Cherry St, Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA
Sectarian affiliation(s):
  • Mahayana
Cultural, linguistic, ethnic representation:
  • Chinese (Mandarin)
Geographic origins of institution, founder, or network:
  • Information Not Available
Best time to visit:

Open 7 days a week 8am–8pm, with public services on weekends.

Date last visited: March 9, 2016
Currently active?: As of the last time it was visited by our research team, this location was open.
Other Basic Information:

Chinese Mahayana temple est. 2006. The temple holds ceremonies that focus on sūtra chanting.

Local setting, neighborhood, demographics

As part of the regular weekly ceremonies, temple-goers chant to relieve suffering of all types, including sickness. If a member is ill, they can specifically request the chanting of the Bhaiṣajyaguru Sūtra (the Medicine Buddha Scripture), with the specific purpose of promoting health and overcoming illness.

Connections with medicine, healing, wellness

As part of the regular weekly ceremonies, temple-goers chant to Bhaiṣajyaguru (the Medicine Buddha) to relieve suffering of sickness. The Bhaiṣajyaguru altar is open to the public during the day, and receives periodic visits from members of the community. A vegetarian meal follows the ceremony, which is said to be karmically beneficial.
